Sunday, March 1, 2009

2 Years Ago - Nonsensical

I'm just trying something out, a story that is. its gonna be lame, and not very understandable. so be prepared to freeze here.

Onion Story Part 1.

Onion boy --> here. He was getting hungry, so he brought a out from his fridge. His friend (also onion) was in his house as well, so they had to share the somehow. The moment Onion boy saw the , his expression was and attempted to gorge on the straightaway. He forgot he cant use Fork and Spoon (the only utensils he used in his life, and he has the habit of using the correct utensils to eat, how civilised.) to eat , so he was lost for a moment . A minute or so later, an idea struck him . For the first time, he had to use , a knife, so he told his friend to stay put at home, while he go and get a knife from a nearby store. It took a short 15 minutes only. When he got back home, his first reaction was. (OH MY GOD?!)

Onion Story Part 2.
Rage in his eyes and every part of his body, blood rushed through his body when he saw something, extremely, terrible. . Guess what? His friend ate all the while he was out. (burps). Onion boy went berserk, and started off at his friend, and then started throwing things round the house . Apparently his friend couldn't give a damn at all as well + . Onion boy couldn't thought of what to do next, but only ran out of the house. As he ran, he started and then stopped by a roadside. --> . Not noticing where he was, and not paying attention to the surrounding, he just continued , until a motorbike came straight towards him, and he was shocked .....the next moment was .....a tragedy. Surprisingly, it wasn't a hit and run accident, Onion boy was on the ground, gasping for oxygen, and the motorist came off from his bike and checked on him. "I'm very sorry that I didn't pay attention and knocked on you, don't get me wrong, I'm not calling the hospital, I don't think you can survive anyway, so... Rest in Peace." The motorist left after that. A hit and stop, and run accident.

A few minutes later, the friend left the house and strolled along the streets, and saw Onion boy there, dying. The friend did nothing, but and (laughing away). Finally, Onion boy (soul left body) --> went heaven..


right, bloody lame + no logic. LOL!

P.S - alicia, its all done! HAHAHA

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