Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tyrant's Call

whenever we hang out, its always + ! but every single time we hang out with one of our brothers, one sad incident would occur.....
(Play the music before you continue reading, thats the phone's Ringtone)

(time for you to guess the caller)
among ourselves, we knows who is it. Brother's expression was
while this brother of ours is on the phone, we continued our nonsense as usual. but well..topic today is the phone scenario, not our nonsense.

Caller --> (don't ask me why the outfit is this, but we shld know it among ourselves lol)
Caller: OI!! !@#$%!@#$%..... (screams on the phone)
Brother: (*Sigh, sad life..*)
Brother: okok I'll be back soon.. (The Day is Ruined)

He stayed with us for awhile more, but the phone rang non stop~
Picked up the phone, the top scenario repeats until he really left us
But even on the way back home...

(Pick up, or don't pick up?)
Brother: (talks to himself) *sigh I'm already on the way home why you still do that to me?*
probably, his mood is like

and if he reaches home too late.. and then probably a while later --> the note *COME BACK HOME SO LATE, MIGHT AS WELL DON'T COME BACK. LOCK HAS BEEN CHANGED, YOU SURVIVE OUTSIDE TONIGHT*

no choice, stay over at Friend's house for the night, and then go back home in the morning to...
Choice 1 -->
Choice 2 -->

Take your Pick !

Credits: Onion Emoticons

P.S - No Offence~



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